Prep & Care Instructions
Sprinkler heads that will be within a foot of the curb should be marked prior to installation. Your lawn should not be watered the morning of installation. In most cases no other preparation is required. CURBMAN will do the prep work quickly and efficiently. A sod cutter will be used to prepare a trench for the curbing. New landscapes or areas where the curb goes over dirt or soil should be prepared by the homeowner prior to installation. These areas should graded and fairly well compacted for best results.
Respect the curb! For the first 24 hours the concrete is very delicate. There should be no foot traffic in your yard. Do not water your lawn and resist the urge to clean up or do any yard work. Care should be taken to keep pets, children and all activities indoors for 24 hours. In the event that the curb does get damaged you should take immediate action. Use some sort of smoothing tool, a little water and a sponge to remold and finish the affected area. After 24 hours the curb will be set hard enough for watering and light foot traffic.
After 48 hours you can resume your yard work in earnest. Be aware that there will be some unfinished concrete (slag) along the bottom edges of the curbing. This is normal and will act as a footing and add strength to the curbing. Simply backfill the trench with soil to cover the slag, your grass will fill in quickly. Note: Though the curbing feels hard it has not fully cured. You should still be careful not to hit the curb hard with tools or heavy equipment as it may crack, i.e. shovels, picks, loaded wheel barrows etc. Concrete does not fully cure for 28 days.
CURBMAN applies 2 generous coats of sealer to all sealed borders. They should be well cleaned and resealed every 2-5 years. CURBMAN provides this service for $1.75 per foot.
Enjoy your beautiful new yard!
Discover the convenience of decorative concrete curbing. Concrete borders can be plain grey cement, or can be colored and textured to mimic brick, natural stone and even wood grain.
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